Page 4 - spring-edition
P. 4


        Hay Meadows
        Hannah’s Meadow Nature Reserve
        named after local farmer and author                                                                 © Martin Rogers
        Hannah Hauxwell (1926-2018) is a
        Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI)
        which includes some of the most
        species rich meadows to be found in
        the Durham Dales.

        Visit in June and early July to discover
        traditional hay meadow flowers
        including ragged robin,
        wood crane’s-bill,
        marsh-marigold, and                                                                                    Marine Mammals
        adders-tongue fern.
                                                                                                               Cast an eye out to the North Sea
                                                                                                               along the Durham Heritage
                                                    Adders-                                                    Coast and see if you can spot
                                                      tongue                       Cinabar
                                                        Fern                     Caterpillars         © Colin Forster  dolphins, porpoise, or minke whales.
                                                                                 on Ragwort                    Common and Grey Seals also appear
                                                                                                               throughout the year and Harbour
                                    © Martin Rogers
                                                                                                               Porpoise are more
                                                                                                               commonly sighted
                                                                                                               during the summer.
                                        Red Squirrel                                                           Calm seas, a light
                                                                                                               breeze and bright
                                                                                                               but not too sunny
                                       Many red squirrels call the
                                      Durham Dales home, especially                                            conditions provides
                                      hot spots like Killhope Museum                                           the ideal conditions for
                                     and Pow Hill Country Park.                                                spotting these amazing
                                     These tiny creatures can be seen                                          creatures.
                                    throughout the year but are
                               © Martin Kitching  especially visible during the summer              © Colin Forster
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