Page 5 - spring-edition
P. 5


        Heather Moorlands                                               Durham Argus
                                                                       This butterfly is a rare subspecies
        When the heather of Teesdale and
        Weardale moorland begin to bloom                              of the Northern Brown Argus and
        from mid-August to early September,    Durham Argus           can only be found on the Magnesian
        the horizon of the Durham Dales is                           limestone grasslands of the Durham
        carpeted in drifts of dazzling purple.                       Heritage Coast.
                                                  The caterpillars of this butterfly feed exclusively on rock
        The air comes alive with the buzzing      rose, which can be found in isolated patches on south-
        of busy bees and pollinating insects      facing grassy slopes.The best time of year to spot these
        and the warmth of the sun brings          beautiful insects is early June to mid-August.
        out the best in Mother Nature.

                                                                                             Rock Rose
                                                                                        Don’t miss!

                                                                                            Leaping Salmon

                                                                                            In the River Wear Salmon can be
                                                                                            seen leaping their way upriver
                                                                                            during the annual salmon run with
                                                                                            peak times for sightings from
                                                                                            mid-summer into early autumn.
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