Filming Friendly Durham
Durham is a Filming Friendly county.
As well as providing a dedicated free Filming Friendly service and named contact to support production companies, filmmakers and photographers, Durham County Council has signed the Filming Friendly Charter, a North East Screen initiative, to shine a spotlight on the region.
Permission is needed to film or take professional photographs on land in private ownership and land owned by Durham County Council, including public highways. Our Filming Friendly service provides a fast and co-ordinated approach to supporting requests and securing permissions. The service covers partners including Durham Police and independent landowners.
And within the Filming Friendly network there is an in-depth knowledge of locations across the county, which means we can also offer advice on potential film and photography locations to match the requirements of any project.
Get in touch and make Durham your next destination. #DurhamOnScreen
North East Screen
The North East Screen Film Office provides a range of support to make filming in the North East as efficient and enjoyable as possible.
We’re indebted to the Filming Friendly office and colleagues across the council who go the extra mile to make sure our time filming in Consett led to problem-free working every time. We have developed an experienced relationship between the various departments and the show. It’s certainly always a pleasure to visit Durham.
Gareth Williams, Location Manager - The Dumping Ground BBC Kids and Family