Events and Training

2024 Industry Training Calendar

Below you will find details of all Visit County Durham training opportunities.

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Format: 29-12-2023
Format: 30-12-2023
Product Knowledge Event

Product Knowledge Event

Visit County Durham’s Product Knowledge Event will be taking place on Wednesday 12 March at Bishop Auckland Town Hall. The popular event will showcase Durham’s attractions along with their main events and what’s new for 2025/26. Look out for your partner-only invite arriving in your inbox...

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Welcome to Durham Training

Welcome to Durham Training

The Welcome to Durham training course gives people practical and immediately usable skills that can make the difference between a visitor being satisfied, and a visitor being made to feel special.  The course focusses upon customer service skills for the hospitality industry and provides an...

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Welcome to Durham Training

Welcome to Durham Training

The Welcome to Durham training course gives people practical and immediately usable skills that can make the difference between a visitor being satisfied, and a visitor being made to feel special.  The course focusses upon customer service skills for the hospitality industry and provides an...

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Weddings Training Day

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Wedding Trends 2025 - PresentationOur partner only weddings training was held at South Causey Inn on Wednesday 29th January 2025. The session was delivered by Supplier Partner, The Fairy Wedmother, and covered immersive wedding trends, increasing revenue, sustainability & inclusivity and more. 

Product Knowledge Day

Online TrainingDetails
3D Virtual Spaces | 3D - Presentation Notes
Durham Business Growth | DBG - Presentation Notes
Durham Mustard | DM - Presentation Notes
Durham Tourism Superstar
Locomotion | L - Presentation Notes
The Auckland Project | TAP - Presentation Notes
The Rising at Raby | R - Presentation Notes
Our Product Knowledge Day, which is exclusive to VCD Partners only, was held on 13th March 2024 at Redworth Hall Hotel.
Partner’s got to hear updates and future plans from Locomotion, The Auckland Project and Raby Castle along with informative presentations from 3D Virtual Spaces and Durham Business Growth. 

Dark Skies Business Support

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Dark Sky Tourism Business Development
Dark Skies Workshop Presentations 2023
Richard Darn - Presentation
Shane Harris - Presentation
Presentations from an information sharing session, covering advice about dark skies in our area and why they are so important, why visitors should choose this area, business case studies, marketing tips and how to make your business dark sky friendly.
Astro-Tourism Business Support
Richard Darn Presentation
Shane Harris Presentation
Lucy Wearne Presentation
Richard Darn presentation discusses why stargazing is good for the visitor economy and how to get involved.
Shane Harris presentation discusses the North Pennines Stargazing Festival.
Lucy Wearne presentation informs you on how to become a Dark Sky Friendly business.
Richard Darn – An insight into why star gazing is popular
Alison Lamb – A case study of Doe Park Caravan site who have the Dark Sky Friendly Durham accreditation talk about why star gazing has benefited their business.
Richard Darn. – Talks about how to get Dark Sky Friendly ready with your business.
Gary Lintern – Provides a virtual visit and insight into Durham’s dark skies and what you can see for yourself.
North Pennines Star Gazing Festival - Shane gives an overview of the North Pennines Star Gazing festival.
Astro Tourism Business Support
As astro tourism becomes more popular with visitors to the county, make sure your business s able to adapt and take full advantage of this opportunity.
The presentations here will help give an insight into why Durham is popular for star gazing, the impact it can have on your business and how to get involved.
Star Gazing and Durham’s Dark SkiesHow to make the most of the Stargazing and Durham Dark Skies target market.

Marketing Support

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Photography and Video
Part 1 – Photography and Video Composition
Part 2 – Camera and Phone Settings
Part 3 – Taking Basic Photographs and Video
Arty Inc takes you through the basics of taking photography and video to help promote your business.
Google MyBusiness/Facebook
1. Google MyBusiness Tutorial
2. Google MyBusiness Verification Process
3. Creating a Facebook Business Page

4. Design Graphics
Arty Inc takes you through the steps to promote your business through Google MyBusiness and Facebook.
Social Media to Benefit Your BusinessHow you can work with us to improve your own social media content.
Online Booking: Now is the timePresentation explaining why businesses should be looking at using an online booking system
Walking and CyclingHow to make the most of the Walking and Cycling target markets.

Energy Efficiency

Online TrainingDetails
Lucy Wearne – Energy Efficiency in Visitor Economy Recovery 
Caroline Hearne – Business Energy Efficiency Project  
The Business Energy Efficiency Project (BEEP) at Durham County Council provides fully funded (free to the business) on site energy audits of premises and a written report outlining the steps recommended cutting energy usage. These can range from behavioural change through to suggestions to replace existing equipment with more energy efficient models which, while needing a capital investment, will pay back with savings over time. BEEP also have a small grant pot where a percentage of the cost of works carried out can be provided in the form of a grant. 

For more information on any of the Visit County Durham events and training opportunities listed above, please call 03000 261 220 or email